ARRS Global Partner

Korean Society of Radiology

The Korean Society of Radiology (KSR), established in 1945, is the official society representing all physicians of Korea in the field of radiology. KSR has a membership of 3,000 including 500 in-training members.

KCR 2024

Title: The 80th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Radiology (KCR 2024)

Theme: Everlasting Evolution for Patient-centered Care

Date: October 2 (Wed) – 5 (Sat), 2024

Venue: Coex, Seoul, Korea

Format: On-site Congress / *Live Streaming Unavailable: Hosting a Fully On-site Congress*

Official Language: English

Hosted by: The Korean Society of Radiology (KSR)


Important Dates

Abstract Submission by May 27 (Mon), 2024
Abstract Acceptance Notice by June 24 (Mon), 2024
Early Bird Registration by July 8 (Mon), 2024
Pre-registration by August 26 (Mon), 2024

KSR Membership for ARRS Members

ARRS members may apply for free KSR International Membership

KSR benefits include:

  • Free online access to Korean Journal of Radiology (KJR)
  • Free online access to KSR website and E-learning system
  • Free subscription to KSR news
  • Discounted KCR registration fee
  • Priority in consideration for KSR fellowship program

Featured Journal Publication

Global Exchange

KSR participated in an Annual Meeting Global Exchange featuring Korea during the ARRS 2023 Annual Meeting. During the Global Exchange, KSR representatives presented the featured course, Changing Paradigms in Tumor Response Assessment, with ARRS faculty. KSR President, Dr. Jeong Min Lee, received ARRS Honorary Membership. ARRS leaders, Dr. Erik Paulson and Dr. Jorge Soto, completed the Global Exchange during the KCR 2023 Meeting.

ARRS and KSR leaders celebrate their long-standing global society partnership.